This section contains all the mods for Mass Effect 3.
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New|Improved Armor

by Ottemis. High Resolution armor sets. HR Set Armor: By request: All 7 set armors for both genders combined and packed up together.
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by Ottemis. This is a 4096-4096 retexture of Ashleys alternate blue combat squadmate armor. Diffuse, Specmap, Normalmap. Three versions available, one smooth armor, one grunted up and damaged and one a white/pink Phoenix armor theme.
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by Drengin. This mod changes Shep's Cerberus Ajax Armor to a High-Res 4096 Red and Black version, because who wants to walk around in Cerberus colors right? This tpf changes both FemShep and BroShep armor!
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by Ottemis. This mod changes the Male BloodDragon Armor mesh and textures into Blue From Ashes Armor akin to James, coupled with the open visor N7 Helmet. This is a combined mesh and texture .MOD and as such you'll have to use ME3Explorer to apply it.
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by Getorex. The standard N7 breather helmet blocks the face of the characters, leaving only their eyes barely visible. I've eliminated this and made their full faces visible all the time. You can now see their facial animations as they speak and, in general, I think the helmets just look better. I've also eliminated Liara's silly breather mask (just a MASK in vacuum or near vacuum and EXTREME cold temps? C'mon!) and replaced it with a modified version of the N7 helmet so it fits her head
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by letoanor. It replaces the n7 defender armor, and uses the material of the Reckoner Knight Armor, as we can't create materials, so be warned, that one's textures will be messed up. In the archive you'll have the pcc file (don't forget to backup the original) and the tpf file for texmod.
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by Getorex. Myself and another (Survivor_686) are intending to provide some "ME1 Legacy Armor Mods" for ME3. This is the first one to be released. The new version replaces the Collector Armor with ME1 Colossus Armor (black and red). No one uses that Collector Armor and with good reason. Instead, use the Colossus and look good doing it. Future mods will simply provide different texture patterns from ME1 (various types of camouflage, color schemes).
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Outfit Mods

by Girlplaysgame. This is a retexture of Kanihime’s Smexy Dress Blues mod that gives Shep a gorgeous dress white uniform – you’ll need to go to her website and download the skirt mesh. The white retexture I created from an old Petrovsky retexture from the Omega DLC from BSN.
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by firemadeflesh. Original Nilin mesh ported by andrastessanctifiedgirdle. Includes .tpf for use with Texmod and .pcc that will replace the prologue outfit (with dirty transition). Because it was bugging me, mesh has been corrected and properly remapped for the texture. Collar and necklace have also been resized to eliminate clipping. Tumblr > http://fmfmods.tumblr.com/
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by horography. Tank top outfit for male Shepard. Includes a dirty transition for use in the Prologue scene. Available in black and grey. Uses the same mesh, just pick a .TPF to run with Texmod. ALTERNATE VERSION: If the super buff default male body type doesn't suit your idea of your Shepard, there is a second version with a less "beefy" build--smaller arm muscles, slightly narrower torso. This works the same as the original.
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by ELE08. This mod replaces the dress with a female version of male Shepard's leather jacket. Hand texture cleaned up by Ottemis.
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by ELE08. This mod replaces the dress with the ME2 Kasumi DLC dress. Retexture for ME3 by Ottemis.
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by N7Calibrator. Retex. of femshep's casual dress. This project will often be updated with new designs each time. Multiple versions available!
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by nameislooney. This is a shortened and re-textured version of Femshep's dress from Mass Effect 3.
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by Kitsumi. Mesh mod project that replaces the intro outfit in Mass Effect 3. The model uses the Alliance pants, Alliance dog-tags from James and upper Shepard's naked body + extra sleeves simulating a shirt. Includes blood version for the last part on the prologue.
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by Kani Hime. 1. What does this mod do? It replaces female Alliance dress uniform mesh with modified one with skirt instead of pants. 2. But what's wrong with the pants? Oh, absolutely nothing. I love pants. But seriously - legs!
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by ELE08. This replaces the male intro uniform (clean & dirty) with the Alliance fatigues and a de-beefcaked version of Vega's T-shirt.
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by horography. Tank top outfit for female Commander Shepard that works with my Buff FemShep Body Mod. This replaces the intro outfit, and will not conflict. The PCC file comes with the buff body mod; however, the underwear and injured models belong to different PCC files and must be installed separately. Includes a dirty transition for the Prologue scene.
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by Drengin. The zip contains the mesh and textures for a manual replacement, so some knowledge of using ME3Explorer is a must.
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by KurauAmami. Mesh mod project that replaces the intro outfit in Mass Effect 3 for FemShep. The model uses the alliance navy pants, the alliance necklace from James and a short top tank. Includes blooded version for the last part on the intro.
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by Girlplaysgame. Channel your inner space diva with your choice of versions of Miranda’s white outfit. Requires ME3 Explorer. Black N7 White N7 Custom Black – black and gold plating Custom White – white and gold plating Custom Red – black and red leather
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by voodoo-season. This mod will allow Femshep to use Ashley’s armored tunic uniform she is wearing when you first meet her. The, uh, T&A has been made a bit more…lowercase, since Ashley had become even more va-voom than Femshep in ME3. It also takes care of the problem of the chest-hole left when you remove Ashley’s head mesh, which inexplicably contains her cleavage. And yes, the exposed skin will match your Shep’s skintone! Yay!
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by nameislooney. A mixture of EDI’s outfit and Jill Valentines equipment from Resident Evil Revelations for Femshep.
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by Renegone. This mod replaces the N7 dress with a hi-res N7-themed Aria outfit, based off of Girlplaysgame's original Aria outfit replacer mod. Files include a .pcc with texmod and also the textures if you would like to replace a different outfit.
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Generic Mods

by Heather-Shepard. This is now officially the complete mod! Parts 1 and 2 make up the original base mod by user-domain-error, all credit goes to her for these parts of the mod. I was given her permission to include those files on her behalf. Part 3 is the DLC addition that I put together.
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by heather-shepard. This mod replaces the regular female casual Alliance outfit shown below with the Hitomi outfit mod by user-domain-error. Full credit goes to her for the Hitomi outfit, I made the black retexture and added the tattoos. She had given me permission to release this mod, however users are prohibited from altering and/or redistributing this mod. ** Tattoos are optional **
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by Kani Hime. Replacement hairstyle for Miranda Lawson Tumblr blog > http://goo.gl/458Unw
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by Astralify. "Jane REBORN" Project ME3 Edition gives you the opportunity to alter the appearance (hair, skin tone, eyes color, etc) of the iconic Jane Shepard in Mass Effect 3. The mod again comes in two parts - headmorph for the save editor and a texture replacer for using with texmod. In the default appearance of the mod Jane has blonde hair, blue eyes and pale skin.
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by Ottemis. WHAT IS HOUSED IN THIS PROJECT HR Environmentals Citadel (and beyond) HR Normandy Cinematic and docked HR Alliance Cruiser HR Kai Leng
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by Heather Shepard. This mod gets rid of the glowing effect on the scars, giving them a more realistic appearance. Glowing eyes are optional. - This works through all stages of renegade scarring. - Instructions for ME3 Explorer included in the zip file. Includes files for both male and female Shepard
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by LewisMichaux. .mod file based on the work by Rupt and Ottemis that makes the armor of Maya Brooks in the Citadel DLC high resolution
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by Knight-Commander Meredith. These .tpf's will allow you to have Samara and Morinth's heads be based off of the base Asari head, whether it be the ME1/2 version or the ME3 version.
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by Drengin. This mod replaces the default crew outfits worn by the crew of the Normandy. Due to graphical re-use by the game the outfits will appear on the Citadel too in some places.
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by Darziak. I made some slight variations to the Collector Adept multiplayer character since by default it can be rather bland. I've upped some of the textures such as the normal map so you'll possibly notice the difference on the head to be more bumpy rather than the old flatnesss it used to be. This changes the Diffuse, Normal, Specular and Stripes for the Body.
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by princessdemeter. This mod will replace Liara's default white outfit with a custom Ajax armor for the field and a science uniform for off-duty. It's a complete replacement, save for the low-poly models in the Citadel DLC. There are two colors for her science uniform, black and her original Mass Effect green.
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by Getorex. This mod takes all the Ashley mods I've generated over the last year-and-a-half that were posted here in bits and pieces and combines them into a coherent whole. The ME1 face mod, Alliance uniform replaces her default blue uniform (texture by Ottemis) and default armor mods (smaller breasts, smaller butt, narrower and smoother hips), the hospital mod (giving her a REAL tshirt as well as ME1 face), romance mod (ME1 face, topless, smaller breasts, hips, etc) are all in this one mod.
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by horography. One .mod file to give Femshep a more defined body, mostly giving bulk to her arms and adjusting torso proportions. Six meshes have been altered: Alliance officer dress blues, crewman uniform, science uniform, underwear, dress*, and injured. If you use intro outfit replacement mods, this can be installed over without conflict.
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by Getorex. Some things were done very well in ME1: love scenes vs ME3. In ME1 there was no question what was going on and that they players were properly nude for the context. ME3 went to high school and decided that adults have sex (or take showers/baths) in their clothes. Ugh. I have taken the NKD body model used by Traynor and Femshep and smoothed it out so there are no signs of bra or panty lines on them.
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By Smarteck. Interior of Normandy. Floors, walls, doors, furniture, machinery, etc. High Resolution.
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by Getorex. As with all females in ME3 (and all but Jack from ME2) the female characters were turned into big-busted, broad-hipped, big-butted calender girls. It is my duty in life (well, this tiny sliver of it) to undo that. Miranda has been given a breast reduction and her butt is tight-and-firm. Her body suit is now something that I think looks a lot better on her. I also edited her hair to make it work with the new uniform (the shoulders cause a lot of clipping of her default hair).
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by heather-shepard. Changes the appearance of the entire interior of the Normandy to a pink/animal print theme. Has minor effects on other parts of the game due to reuse of textures.
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Hair Mods

by ELE08. Miranda’s hair mesh converted for use on custom Shepard; fitted to the custom head and reweighted. Replaces Aller’s hair to avoid crashy issues, no texmod required. PSK & UPK included.
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by heather-shepard. "This is the Shaine hairstyle from SG 268 Hair Pack that I modified for femshep."
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by ELE08. Mesh edits of the character creator hairs, with emphasis on additional variety, more realistic shapes, and continuity with previous games. My goal was subtle improvement not a drastic overhaul. Each hair replacement is in a separate .mod so you can pick and choose.
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By ELE08. Replaces: BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Hair_PROJessica.HMF_HIR_PROJessica_MDL BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Hair_Short02.HMF_HIR_PROShort_Diff
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by Kani Hime. Gibbed parameters to tweak: - Hair mesh - BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Hair_PROCustomCute.HMF_HIR_PROCustom_Cute_MDL - HAIR_Diff - BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Hair_Short02.HMF_HIR_PROShort_Diff - HAIR_Mask - BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.Hair_Short02.HMF_HIR_PROShort_Diff
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Face Textures

by voodooseason. This is a mod to improve the appearance of female NPCs and custom Femsheps. I was always bothered by how any female character without a unique facial texture looked like she was made out of putty compared to the dudes, so I made this in an effort to even it out and pretty 'em up.
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by ELE08. This is my default femshep, thought I'd share since it's already packed up. I haven't been able to play much lately, so I felt a bit bad just having her on ice. Perhaps others will enjoy her :)
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by andrastessanctifiedgirdle. This is a full face paste, and works better with no makeup. TPF is for: - - HED_Diff - BIOG_HMF_HED_PROMorph_R.Diffuse.HMF_HED_PROCustom_Frek_Diff The skin comes with eyebrows, so use this in - HED_brow - BIOG_HMF_HED_PROMorph_R.Base.HMF_HED_PROCustom_Blank_Norm
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by ELE08. This mod aims to make the characters in Mass Effect 3 look higher res and more life-like
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by The ThaneMOD Team. At its core, ThaneMOD is a series of changes (improvements, in our opinion) to the handling of Thane Krios’ character in Mass Effect 3. The primary intent of the mod is to give players the option to prevent Thane from engaging Kai Leng in the Priority: Citadel II mission (aka, “The Coup”). This prevents his death, allowing him to “live” through the end of the game. There is an abundance of other optional content included, but that is the core purpose of the mod.
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by SirCxyrtyx. This mod restores the original Purgatory recruitment scene for Ken and Gabby (or just Ken if Gabby died). The dialogue will be slightly different depending on whether Shepard is more renegade or paragon.
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by JohnP. This story mod keeps the main thing that makes MEHEM MEHEM, the memorial scene with Shepard, and uses it with the traditional Extended Cut ending (albeit slightly modified). All three Crucible choices remain available and, as in the standard Extended Cut, you must have a high enough EMS level in order for Shepard to survive the destroy ending. There are also some changes in the final conversation and epilogues, some obvious, some subtle.
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by Deager. WHAT THIS MOD DOES: - Out of over 4,000 lines of dialogue and text, it changes less than 5% of the Citadel DLC to allow it to be played after the game is over. There is no talk of war, the reapers, Cerberus, or "winning."
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