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Mod Videos

ME3Explorer - Using the Texplorer.

A video demo of the amazing ME3 modding toolset ME3Explorer, specifically focusing on the Texplorer. The tool that is used for mass modding textures in the game.

MEHEM The Mass Effect 3 Happy Ending Mod.

MEHEM is a reinterpretation of the endings of Mass Effect 3, which allows Commander Shepard to survive the final mission, among many other changes. It features custom videos and slides, re-engineered gameflow, original as well as re-arranged voice acting, new music, etc.

Citadel Epilogue Mod.

If you are already using the party of the Citadel DLC as your ending or if you play the entire Citadel DLC as your ending, then this mod is for you.

Out of over 4,000 lines of dialogue and text, it changes less than 5% of the Citadel DLC to allow it to be played after the game is over. There is no talk of war, the reapers, Cerberus, or "winning."

JohnP's Alternate MEHEM.

This story mod keeps the main thing that makes MEHEM MEHEM, the memorial scene with Shepard, and uses it with the traditional Extended Cut ending (albeit slightly modified).
All three Crucible choices remain available and, as in the standard Extended Cut, you must have a high enough EMS level in order for Shepard to survive the destroy ending.
There are also some changes in the final conversation and epilogues, some obvious, some subtle. See if you can spot all of them!

ThaneMOD v1.0 | The Coup (Friend Version).

IThaneMOD is a series of changes to the handling of Thane Krios’ character in Mass Effect 3. The primary intent of the mod is to provide players with the option to prevent Thane from engaging Kai Leng in the Priority: Citadel II mission (aka, “The Coup”). This prevents his death, allowing him to live through the end of the game. He returns in the epilogue, either in a series of slides or in the Memorial Scene, and sometimes in both. ThaneMOD has specifically been built to be used by both friend and romanced Shepards.

ThaneMOD also includes many other story and lore enhancements contained in four optional modules. These modules range from music alterations and dialogue changes, to new war assets, codex entries and emails, to the inclusion of new textures. Much of the new content varies with romance status and in game decisions..

Extended Final Anderson Conversation.

This mod restores the full final conversation with Anderson that was severely shortened in the released game.
This mod requires the Extended Cut DLC to function..

MEEM The first Mass Effect Ending Mod.

This mod changes the conversation with the catalyst during the the ending of Mass Effect 3 to provide a completely new story for the end of the game.
The catalyst's character is changed to a VI and the entire storyline of this final conversation, including the motives of the reapers and Shepard's choices are changed.
To achieve this, the entire final conversation as well as all the epilogue scenes were revoiced and the model of the catalyst was changed.

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