HR Textures & Meshmods by Ottemis

You can find Ottemis on the Bioware Forums.
She has written various guides for new users to asssit them in modding Mass Effect.
Otte's Available Guides: -
ME3Explorer first time setup information
ME3Explorer: Using TPF/DDS Tools 2.0
Creating Texmod Package Files (TPF) for Mass Effect
The Kuwashii Challenge: .MOD script manipulation
Tutorial: Porting hairstyles using 3ds 2012

HR Kaidan Default Armor
This is a HR retexture of Kaidans default outfit. Includes helmet textures.
Note that the normalmap for the helmet is shared with Shepard, Ashley and Vega. It is advised you use my retextures for them (N7 Armor / Vega Bulk and Ashley Blue combat) with this retexture for the best results.

NPC Outfits
- All but two of the female humanoid dresses. Citadel.
- 1/2 Turian casual outfits. Citadel.
- All Alliance Dress Blue variations in either 4096 or 2048 as a separate download. This includes Shep, Sanders, Anderson and Hackett.
- All Science outfit variations in 4096 and 2048 as a separate download. This includes humans and Salarians.
- All Humanoid Combat Fatigue variations on Male and Female NPCs as a separate download. This includes Citadel / Gellix / Grissom Academy / Normandy.
- Female Shepard formal dresswear corresponding 'units' changed to my version of the dress in original colours. !NB! Works WITHOUT coalesced changes! !NB!
- "Thrash" NPC texture and outfit improvements. These NPCs are on one texture-sheet, I've improved a couple of them and am working on the rest in conjunction with the global NPC pack.
- Combat Fatigues on Normandy crew during certain parts of the DLC content changed to HR version from Global NPC pack. For some reason they switch from using texture in basefiles to one in the dlc files, so it needed a fix.